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(860) 649-8066


Adopted April 6, 1970


The membership of the Board of Admissions of Electors of the Town of Bolton are the Town Clerk and the Registrars of Voters as provided under Section 9-15A of the Connecticut General Statutes as amended.


Said change is to take effect upon adoption of this resolution.


Electors, Enrollment List of

Adopted at a Regular Meeting of the Board of Selectmen on May 15, 1979

Published on May 19, 1979
Effective Date:  June 4, 1979


Section 1.         The requirement that the registrars of voters compile separate lists of all qualified electors according to the declared political preference of such electors is discontinued.


Section 2.         The registrars of voters shall designate the party affiliation, if any, of each elector on the registry list.