Homeowners Tax Relief:
The program provides a property tax credit on a sliding scale, depending on your income. You may be eligible if:
- you were a Bolton homeowner on 10/1/2024,
- are at least 65 years of age or totally disabled of any age as of 12/31/2024
- have a 2024 calendar year qualifying household. For the application period, the household income limits were $45,200 if a single person household or $55,100 if married.
The application period for new and renewing applicants is Feb. 1 - May 15. Renewal applications are required every 2 years. The 2024 Grand List applications were mailed to renewing applicants and interested parties at the end of January 2025. New applicants can request that an application packet be mailed to them by emailing ajohnson@boltonct.gov or leaving a voice message at 860-649-8066 x6100. Please provide your mailing address and telephone number.
Homeowners Application Packet
Homeowners Q & A booklet from CT OPM
Renter's Rebate Program:
The Assessor’s Office administers this program, which provides a check to eligible renters who are at least 65 years of age or totally disabled or any age. based on their income and/or disability. The application period is April 1, 2025 – September 30, 2025.
So you can plan ahead, the documents necessary to process an application include:
- Social Security 1099 form for 2024
- 1099 forms for pensions, dividends, interest and etc. for 2024
- Employment information (W-2 forms)
- 2024 Taxes- complete copy required if you file taxes
- SSI (if applicable) letter from Social Security stating the full amount received from January –December 2024
- Proof of all rental payments in 2024 (January – December 2024) in the form of canceled checks, rent receipts or letter/ledger from landlord.
- Proof of tenant paid utilities paid in 2024 (January – December 2024). Qualifying utility expenses include electric, gas, oil, propane, kerosene, and water.
A question and answer book on the program is available if you click here. The state maintains a website on the program, which can be accessed at https://portal.ct.gov/opm/igpp/grants/tax-relief-grants/renters--rebate-for-elderlydisabled-renters-tax-relief-program. If you need more information, please contact the assessor’s office at 860-649-8066 ext. 6100.
Veterans Programs
Veterans of any declared war period having not previously filed for a veteran’s property exemption in the Town of Bolton must provide an original or certified copy of their Honorable Discharge to the Town Clerk by September 30 to be eligible for a minimum exemption of 4,500 deducted from the assessed value of real estate or a motor vehicle.
Active duty members of the United States armed forces (including reserves and National Guard) are also eligible for the exemption from taxes of one motor vehicle upon application and may also be eligible for the 4,500 assessment reduction. If the claimant is currently serving in and is unable to appear in person to establish such right, he may establish such right, until such time as he appears personally and exhibits his discharge or copy, by forwarding to the town clerk annually a written statement, signed by the commanding officer of his unit, ship or station or by some other appropriate officer. If the claimant is currently serving in an active theater of war or hostilities, a parent, guardian, spouse or legal representative of such person may file a notarized statement that he is personally serving and is unable to appear in person by reason of such service, which statement shall be received before the assessment day of the town wherein the exemption is claimed.
Veterans Exemption for Those Still Serving Affidavit
Active Duty Motor Vehicle Exemption
Veterans with VA disability ratings must submit proof of the rating to the Assessor for an increased exemption benefit. Proof need be supplied once, unless the rating is changed.
Low income veterans maybe eligible for an Additional Veteran benefit. For the 2025 Grand List, based on 2024 household income, the income limit is $45,8200 if you are single or $55,100 if you are married. The application period is February 1 – October 1. Veteran's Disability payments and non-taxable social security income are not counted as income for this program. The application period is February 1 – October 1. See application here.
OLR Report on 100% disabled veterans exemption under PA 24-46
More information on Veterans programs and the Additional Veterans application can be found here: Veterans Programs + Addl Veteran application. A Q & A booklet from Connecticut OPM about the Additional Veterans programs is available here.
You may be eligible for a veterans exemption if, on the 10/1 Assessment Date, you were in service in time of war and still are in the service, and by reason of continuous service you have not received a separation from service of discharge certificate. More information can be found here.
Application for the Totally Disabled Exemption Program
Totally disabled or blind property owners are eligible for a property exemption by filing their proof of total disability or blindness with the Assessor’s Office.
Motor Vehicle specially-adapted for persons with disabilities - The Town of Bolton has an ordinance exempting certain vehicles specially adapted for persons with disabilities. The vehicle must be registered in Bolton and not be used to transport persons for a fee.