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(860) 649-8066

A-Z Guide

Check out our A-Z Guide! Get quick answers to all your Bolton questions!



Trained AARP volunteers are available to everyone during the tax season to help prepare state and federal tax returns. This is a free service. For appointments please call 860-647-9196 or email cconcatelli@boltonct.org.

Absentee Ballots

Prior to elections and referenda, absentee ballots are available to qualified registered voters at the Town Clerk’s Office. An application for an absentee ballot can be mailed upon request. Please email townclerk@boltonct.org or call 860-649-8066 x 6106. Applications are also available on the state's website.

Ad Hoc Committees

The Town has a variety of Ad Hoc Committees set to cover specific issues as they arise. For information on current Ad Hoc Committees please email townadmin@boltonct.org or call 860-649-8066 x 6115.

Adminstrative Officer

The Administrative Officer assists the First Selectman and Board of Selectmen in managing and overseeing the work of all Town Departments, boards and commissions, including the recommendation of an annual budget and the administration of the adopted budget. The Administrative Officer also serves at the Director of Personnel, Risk Manager, and Bolton Lakes Water Pollution Control Authority Administrator. The administrative officer can be reached by phone (860) 649-8066 x 6115 or by email townadmin@boltonct.org.

Animal Problems

Bolton contracts with Vernon for Animal Control services. For animal control issues, please contact the Vernon Animal Control Officer animalcontrol@vernon-ct.gov or 860-870-3558.

Annual Budget Process

Every year the Board of Finance receives expenditure estimates from all of the Town’s departments. They then estimate a budget. This budget is subject to adoption at an annual Town Referendum in May. For more information please email townadmin@boltonct.org or call 860-649-8066 x 6115.

Appeal of Property Assessment and Real Property Taxes

The Board of Assessment Appeals, which is composed of three private citizens, meets annually in March to hear the appeals of taxpayers who feel that they have been aggrieved, and at least twice in September to hear appeals on motor vehicles. Appeals must be in writing on the appropriate appeal form. Real Property appeals must be filed by February 20th, and September motor vehicle appeals must be filed on or before the grievance date. Application forms may be downloaded on our website, or picked up at the Assessor's Office located at Town Hall.

Aquifer Protection Agency

The Bolton Aquifer protection agency is responsible for overseeing the environmental conservation and safety of aquifers that fall within the Town of Bolton’s jurisdiction. For meeting minutes and other information, please visit us here. To leave a public comment, please fill out the public comment form on our website here.

Automobile Emissions Inspections Program

The State of Connecticut requires emissions inspections of automobiles and trucks. For locations of inspection stations or additional information, please call 1-888-828-8399, email publicrelations@ctemissions.com, or visit the website at ctemissions.com.



See Parks.

Bentley Memorial Library

Also see Library Card.

206 Bolton Center Road

Monday-Thursday 10:00a.m. - 8:00p.m.
Saturday 10:00a.m. - 3:00p.m. (Closed Saturdays during the month of August)
Closed Friday & Sunday.

Please call 860-646-7349, email bentley@biblio.org or visit here for library services, material requests, on-line resources, programs and events, library card application, and catalogue perusal.

Bentley Memorial Library Board

An advisory group that works alongside the Library staff to ensure they deliver cutting-edge service to Bolton. For meeting minutes and other information, please visit us here. To leave a public comment, please fill out the public comment form on our website here.

Birth Certificates

Birth certificates are available in the Town Clerk’s Office in the town where the birth occurred, the town where the mother was residing at the time of the birth, or at the Connecticut State Health Department, Vital Statistics Unit. Certified copies are $20 each. Birth certificates may also be issued in a "wallet size." The fee for this size is $15. For additional information, please call 860-649-8066 x 6106 or email townclerk@boltonct.org.

Bolton Lakes Regional Water Pollution Control Authority (BLRWPCA)

The Towns of Bolton and Vernon are under a DEEP Consent Order that required them to install and now manage sewers in the Bolton Lakes area.  Detailed information can be found on the fact sheets below. For general questions, please contact sewers@boltonct.org. For meeting minutes and other information, please visit us here. To leave a public comment, please fill out the public comment form on our website here.

Board of Assessment Appeals

The Board of Assessment Appeals meets annually in March to hear the appeals of taxpayers who feel that they have been aggrieved, and at least twice in September to hear appeals on motor vehicles. Appeals must be in writing on the appropriate appeal form.  Real Property appeals must be filed by February 20th, and September motor vehicle appeals must be filed on or before the grievance day. Application forms may be downloaded below, or picked up at the Assessor’s Office – email and phone. This is an elected board. For meeting minutes and other information, please visit us here. To leave a public comment, please fill out the public comment form on our website here.

Board of Education

The Bolton Board of Education is responsible for overseeing the operations and policies of Bolton public schools. This is an elected board. For more information on the Board of Education, please visit the Bolton Public Schools website at boltonpublicschools.com/board_of_education.

Board of Ethics

The Board of Ethics is an appointed body that investigates claims of ethics violations against town officials and staff as needed. If at any point in time there is a concern of an ethics violation, please contact the Town Administrator by email townadmin@boltonct.org or phone 860-649-8066 x 6115 or the First Selectman by email at firstselectman@bolton.ct.org. For meeting minutes and other information, please visit us here. To leave a public comment, please fill out the public comment form on our website here.

Board of Finance

The Board of Finance is responsible for the fiscal oversight of both the Town and the Board of Education. It is also responsible for reviewing and installing a budget for referendum each year. If you have any Board of Finance questions, please contact finance@boltonct.org or call 860-649-8066 x 4150. This is an elected board. For meeting minutes and other information, please visit us here. To leave a public comment, please fill out the public comment form on our website here.

Board of Selectmen

The Bolton Board of Selectmen is the executive steering committee for the Town of Bolton. It is responsible for passing ordinances and regulations that address the needs and concerns of the Town. If you have any Board of Selectmen-related questions, please contact townadmin@boltonct.org or 860-649-8066 x 6115. The Board of Selectmen is chaired by the First Selectman. This is an elected board. For meeting minutes and other information, please visit us here. To leave a public comment please fill out the public comment form on our website here.


Boating is permitted on Lower Bolton Lake. There is a 6Hp limit for boats with motors. The CT DEEP boat launch is accessible from Route 44. (Also See Boating License).

Bolton Bulletin

For town updates and information sign up for the town bulletin here.

Bottles/Glass Recycling

Also see Recycling.

In order to be recycled, glass, metal containers, and plastic bottles must be rinsed with corks and neck rings removed.

Budget - Town & School

A hard copy of the budget for viewing is available at and the Town Clerk’s Office in Town Hall. All Board of Selectman meetings on the budget are open to the public. For a list of current and past budgets please visit our website.

Building Permits

Bolton’s Building Department can be reached via phone at 860-649-8066 x 6103 or email at dpalazzini@boltonct.org. A building permit is a legal document required by State of Connecticut Statute for changes made to real estate. An application must be filed and approved before beginning construction. Permits can be here on our permitting website.

Burial Permits

All burial records are available through the Town Clerk’s Office. For more information call 860-649-8066 x 6106 or email townclerk@boltonct.org.

Burn Permits
Business Registration

Trade names are filed through the town Clerk's office. You can find the form for this and more information on our website. To register a business please visit the state's website.


Cable Television

Bolton is served by Comcast at 860-438-8472, or at 1-800-934-6489 (headquarters), or at comcast.com and Frontier at 1-800-921-8101 or at frontier.com. (For information on our public access networks See CVC).

Call Before You Dig

Before digging a hole or excavating on private or public property, call for the location of underground utilities at 1-203-281-5435 or 811.

Cemeteries in Bolton

To purchase a cemetery plot email Czaja Brothers at craig@czajabrothers.com. For grave indices and tombstone photographs please visit the Bolton Historical Society’s website. For other inquiries please call 860-649-8066 x 6111 or email hr@boltonct.org.

Bolton Center Cemetery – 33 Hebron Road
Belknap Cemetery (Quarryville) – Boston Turnpike


U.S. Census Data is available on their website at census.gov.

Certificate of Occupancy

A Certificate of Occupancy, sometimes referred to as a "C.O."" is the final step in executing a building permit. A certificate of occupancy is issued after the final inspection. No new structure may be used, and no addition or building may be occupied until a "C.O." is issued. A Certificate of Approval is issued after inspections for all other building permits such as electrical or mechanical permits are obtained. For additional information, call 860-649-8066 x6103 or visit our website here.

Chamber of Commerce

Greater Manchester -They are dedicated to making the Greater Manchester community a better place to live, work and do business. Their slogan is “We Mean Business!”. Their offices are located at 20 Hartford Road in Manchester. Call 860-646-2223 or visit their website for more information.

Tolland County - Founded in 1955, the Tolland County Chamber of Commerce is a non-profit organization that promotes the economic and civic vitality of Andover, Bolton, Columbia, Coventry, Ellington, Hebron, Mansfield, Somers, Stafford, Tolland, Union, Vernon, and Willington. Their offices are located at 30 Lafayette Square in Vernon. Call 860-872-0587 or visit their website for more information.

Charter Revision Commission: 2020

The Charter Revision Commission was impaneled at the end of 2019 and will be working through the beginning of 2021 to review and create proposed amendments to the Bolton Town Charter. Town residents can expect to vote on the results of this commission's work at the November 2021 municipal election. The CRC is empaneled by Board of Selectmen no less than every 10 years. For meeting minutes and other information, please visit our website. To leave a public comment, please fill out the public comment form on our website here.

Civic Organization List

Bolton Historical Society - (See Historical Society).

Bolton Lion’s Club - “Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with more than 1.4 million members in approximately 46,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas around the world.” For more information visit their website at e-clubhouse.org/sites/boltonct.

Bolton Women’s Club – “The BWC is a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization that provides civic, cultural, educational and social growth opportunities within our town and community. Members engage in service projects and fundraising for Bolton and area organizations.  The BWC provides a forum to meet and work together on friendly and fun projects.” For more information visit their website at boltonctwomensclub.org.

Bolton’s Volunteer Fire Department - (See Fire Department).

Boy Scouts - Troop 73 “We are a dedicated group of Scouts and supporting parents, gathered in a “Troop.” All Troops are almost entirely run by the Scouts. We have loads of fun, going on many trips and activities. Over the course of time, we can earn Merit Badges, symbols of the hard work and effort put into a certain subject. As well, the scouts can advance in rank; first earning their Scout, then to Tenderfoot, Second then First Class, Star Scout, Life, then finally the ultimate ranking goal: Eagle Scout.” For more information visit their website at facebook.com/boltontroop73.

Community Voice Chanel - (See Community Voice Chanel).

Cub Scouts - Pack 157 “We are a dedicated group of parents, guardians, and children with one over-arching goal: to help our kids develop into amazing citizens, scientists, and adventurers — having fun along the way!  With the Bolton Cub Scouts, your child can participate in many engaging activities such as our annual October Sky model rocketry event, the Pinewood Derby, Engineering Day, and our late-spring Camporee.” For more information visit their website at boltonpack157.wordpress.com.

Girl Scouts – Troop 1073 “We’re the preeminent leadership development organization for girls. And with programs from coast to coast and across the globe, Girl Scouts offers every girl a chance to practice a lifetime of leadership, adventure, and success. Girl scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place.” For more information visit their website at gsofct.org.

Knights of Columbus – “The Saint Maurice Knights of Columbus is hosted by St. Maurice Catholic Church and has a proud history of helping others and supporting charitable organizations in the area through various fundraising activities and events.” For more information visit their Facebook Page.

Other Civic Organizations – Requests to add additional Organizations to this page should be sent to our Media Coordinator at 860-649-8066 x 6112 or by email at media@boltonct.org.

Conservation Commission

The Bolton Conservation Commission meets on the first Monday of every month at 7:00p.m. at Town Hall. Their meetings are open to the public and all are welcome. The Conservation Commission advises the Board of Selectmen on matters of environmental protection and preservation. For meeting minutes and other information, please visit us here. To leave a public comment, please fill out the public comment form on our website here.

Community Voice Channel

Public access television is operated by the Community Voice Channel located at 105 Notch Road. To learn more you can call 860-645-1454, email info@cvcct.org, or visit their website at cvcct.org. See below for channel information.

Public HD - Channel 1070
Education - Channel 95/1090
Government - Channel 96/1084

Public - Channel 6013
Education - Channel 6014
Government - Channel 6015


Health District: The Health District handles all complaints related to food illness, communicable and infectious diseases. Please email ehhd@ehhd.org or call 860-429-3325.

Highway: For complaints regarding roadways, streets, sink holes, drainage problems, and snowplowing, please contact the Highway Department at highway@boltonct.org or 860-649-4302.

School-Related: For school-related complaints, please contact the Bolton Public Schools Office at 860-643-1569.

Unresolved: Contact the Town Administrator's Office at 860-649-8066 x 6111 for any unresolved complaints involving town services or town property or you can lodge a complaint via email at townadmin@boltonct.org.


Requests for corrections or additions to this webpage should be sent to our Administrative Assistant  at 860-649-8066 x 6112 or by email at skamara@boltonct.org.


Superior Court in Enfield, 111 Phoenix Avenue - 860-741-3727 or Superior Court.
Federal Court in Hartford, 450 Main Street - 860-240-3200 or Federal Court.
Probate Court in Manchester, 66 Center Street - 860-647-3227 or Probate Court.


Coronavirus (COVID-19) is an illness caused by a virus that can spread from person to person. Symptoms can range from mild (or no symptoms) to severe illness. Please visit our COVID-19 page here for our Town response. For State information visit ct.gov/Coronavirus.


Death Certificates

All death certificate records are available through the Town Clerk’s Office. For more information call 860-649-8066 x 6106 or email townclerk@boltonct.org.

Department of Transportation (State of Connecticut)

State roads are plowed and maintained by the State of Connecticut’s Department of Transportation. State roads in Bolton are:

  • Route 6 (Hop River Road)
  • Route 44 (New Bolton Road & Boston Turnpike)
  • Route 85 (West Street, Clark Road, & Bolton Center Road 1-160)
  • Route 533 (Cider Mill Road & Lake Street)
  • Route 534 (Camp Meeting Road)
  • Route I-384

To reach the State Department of Transportation Garage, please call 860-649-1708.

Direct Dialing List
Directions to Bolton Town Hall
Disability Services

The Bolton Senior Center offers a free van service for those disabled and/or aged 60+. To schedule call 860-647-9196 or email socialservices@boltonct.org. Transportation is for medical appointments, errands (bank, haircut, pharmacy, library, post office, etc.) and trips to the Senior Center. If possible please call at least one day in advance of your appointment.

Dog Licenses
Dogs - In Parks or other Public Reservation Areas

Dogs and other pets are permitted in non-restricted park and recreation areas on leash only and under the control of their owner and/or keeper. Leashes shall not exceed seven feet in length. Please pick up after your pet.


To report a clogged or damaged drain or for information about storm water drainage projects, please contact the Highway Department at highway@boltonct.org or 860-649-4302.

Driveway Permit


Economic Development Commission

The Bolton Economic Development Commission is committed to fostering a pro-business environment which encourages a sustainable and diverse tax base, fostering a strong local economy, while preserving the unique character and quality of life of Bolton. For meeting minutes and other information, please visit us here. To leave a public comment, please fill out the public comment form on our website here.


Municipal elections occur on odd-numbered years, State elections are in even-numbered years, and Presidential elections take place every four years. For additional information, please call or email the Registrars of Voters at bolton.dem@gmail.com and 860-533-1243 or the Town Clerk’s Office at townclerk@boltonct.org and 860-649-8066 x 6106.

Electrical Permits

Call the Land Use Department at 860-649-8066 x 6103 or visit their website here.

Emergency Notification System (Emergency Management)

In 2014, the Town of Bolton launched a mass notification system to send emergency notifications and related public service announcements. These notifications may include items such as road closures, power outages, or severe weather updates. When the system was launched names and numbers uploaded from the local phone directory were input into the system enabling it to be utilized and allowing the ability to text or call a single number or multiple numbers in your preferred order of priority. Everyone in your household is encouraged to sign up with their personal modes of communication. To be included in the notification system, click the link below to sign up. Be sure to add all methods of communication in priority order to ensure notification of important messages from the Town of Bolton. Click Here To Sign Up.

Emergency Numbers

Dial 9-1-1 for any emergency.

Emergency School Closing

Announcements will be made on local radio and TV stations in case of inclement weather or other emergency closings.

Emissions Inspection

Call 1-888-828-8399 for information about the State of Connecticut Emissions Testing Program or visit their website at ctemissions.com, (See Automobile Emissions).

Energy Committee

The Energy Committee is responsible for considering, reviewing, and recommending renewable energy instillations and proposals to help better the Town of Bolton’s commitment to an environmentally and monetarily sustainable future. For meeting minutes and other information, please visit us here. To leave a public comment, please fill out the public comment form on our website here.


Fax Machine for Public Use

There is a fax machine available for public use at the Bentley Memorial Library. For more information call or email the library at 860-646-7349 and bentley@biblio.org.

Federal Government

For information on federal government officials please visit https://portal.ct.gov/.

Financial Assistance

The Town of Bolton will consider one-time requests for financial assistance for items or services that cannot otherwise be covered under other available programs. Those applying for fuel assistance will need to first apply with ACCESS Community Action Agency in Willimantic. All requests are subject to approval and available funds. For more information please visit our website, email Social Services at socialservices@boltonct.org, or call 860-647-9196

Finishing Your Basement

To report a fire or any other emergency, please call 9-1-1.

Fire Commission

The Bolton Fire Commission is a body that directly oversees the activities of the Town’s Volunteer Fire Department. For meeting minutes and other information, please visit us here. To leave a public comment, please fill out the public comment form on our website here.

Fire Department

The Bolton Volunteer Fire Department consists of approximately 40 volunteer firefighters and a volunteer Fire Chief. For information about volunteering, call 860-649-3910 or visit the Fire Department Website.

Fire Hydrants

Homeowners/Businesses are encouraged to clear fire hydrants on or near their property.

Fire Marshal

The Fire Marshal is responsible for fire code administration, arson investigation, fire prevention and fire education programs. For additional information, please email firemarshal@boltonct.org or call 860-649-8066 x 6105.

Fire Reports

Most insurance companies require their policy holders to provide a copy of the Fire Department Incident Report when they have had a fire loss. These reports are available by contacting the Fire Marshal's Office at 860-649-8066 x 6105 or firemarshal@boltonct.org.

Firearms Permits
First Selectmen

The First Selectman is the Chief Elected Officer of the Town and additionally serves as Chair of the Board of Selectmen. The responsibilities of the First Selectman are outlined in the Town’s Charter, and day-to-day operations are generally handled by the Administrator on the First Selectman’s behalf. The First Selectman is elected to a two-year term in odd-numbered years. To relay a message to the First Selectman, please email townadmin@boltonct.org or call 860-649-8066 x 6115.

Flu Clinic

A Flu Clinic is held at the Senior Center in October. The clinic is open to residents, non-residents, seniors, and staff.  Accepted forms of insurance and a private pay rate will be publicized. For more information please email socialservices@boltonct.org or call 860-647-9196.

Food Pantry

The Food Pantry is located at the Bolton Senior Center and is open Monday-Thursday 9:00a.m. -4:00p.m. and Fridays 9:00a.m. - 3:00p.m. Bolton residents can apply to utilize the Food Pantry by filling out this application and mailing it to Carrie Concatelli at 104 Notch Road, or by dropping it off in person. Applications must be completed in full. For more information or to donate please call 860-647-9196, email cconcatelli@boltonct.org, or visit our website.

Food Safety

Information concerning food safety, regulations pertaining to food handling, and permits for temporary food vending, please call or email the Health District at 860-429-3325 or ehhd@ehhd.org.

Fuel Assistance

The Connecticut Energy Assistance program assists qualified households with energy assistance in the fall and winter each year. Applications are accepted by appointment at ACCESS Community Action Agency in Willimantic.  Operation Fuel is administered by Manchester Area Conference of Churches (MACC) in Manchester for winter and summer assistance.  Households may be eligible for additional fuel assistance through the Financial Assistance Program through Social Services at socialservices@boltonct.org or 860-647-9196.


Garbage Collection
GIS (Geographic Information System)

A geographic information system (GIS) is a computer system for capturing, storing, checking, and displaying data related to positions on Earth's surface. The Capitol Region Council of Governments (CRCOG) uses this to accurately map tax parcels. To view this please visit their website and enter Bolton in the dropdown under “Municipality is”.

Grand List

In accordance with Connecticut General Statutes, the real estate and personal property assessments are compiled annually (as of October 1st) in a list known as the Grand List. The completed Grand List is filed with the Town Clerk each year and is used in the process of establishing a mil rate for the fiscal year. For more information please email townclerk@boltonct.org or call 860-649-8066 x 6106.

Grass Clippings

Grass and Leaf clippings must be free of twigs, branches, and other foreign objects. They may be disposed of loose or in biodegradable paper leaf bags (30 gallon). The fee is $6 for every five bags brought to the center on the same day. No fee amount will be deducted for under five bags brought on a given Saturday. Please contact the Transfer Station for up-to-date information by visiting our website.

Gun & Pistol Permits

You can only buy a handgun in Connecticut, if in addition to being a resident, you have a Valid Permit to carry Pistols or Revolvers, a valid Eligibility Certificate, if you are a licensed Firearms Dealer or if you are a Sworn Police Officer. For more information concerning Connecticut Firearms Laws and regulations please visit the state of Connecticut website. For information on how to obtain a gun or pistol permit please visit our website.


Handicapped Parking Permits

Please contact the Department of Motor Vehicles by calling 860-263-5700 or visit their website at ct.gov/DMV for additional information.

Hazardous Materials

When hazardous wastes are poured down the sink or toilet, dumped “out back”, poured into a street drain or put out with the trash, they eventually make their way into our water supply. Bring your household hazardous materials to the MidNEROC Household Chemical Waste Drop-Off Center located on Hancock Road in Willington. There is no charge for the use of this facility by Bolton residents, with proof of residency. The facility is open from 9:00a.m. - 2:00p.m. on the first and third Saturday of each month from mid-April to early November. For further information please visit our website or call 860-684-3163.

Heritage Farm

Formerly known as the Rose Farm, this land purchased by the town, is the historic site where four French regiments led by General Rochambeau, on their way to assist General Washington in defeating the British camped on June 21st - 24th, 1781. The Farm recently restored from a fire, features many walking and hiking trails as well as a beautiful barn. The farm is located at 266 Bolton Center Rd. For more information please visit our website here.

Heritage Farm Commission

The Bolton Heritage Farm Commission was created to devise a forward thinking strategic development plan for the future of the Bolton Heritage Farm in order to allow greater public access and use. For meeting minutes and other information, please visit us here. To leave a public comment, please fill out the public comment form on our website here.

Historic Sites/Places

Public Places
Bolton Heritage Farm – (See Heritage Farm).

Private Residences
For information on historic homes in Bolton please read the flyer at the kiosk near the Bolton Veterans Monument or visit the historical society’s website at boltoncthistory.org.

Historical Society

Also see Town Historian.

The Society is dedicated to preserving Bolton's rich historic past, from its founding in 1720 to the 21st century. They annually award the Evelyn W. Halloran Memorial Scholarship and sponsor an annual "Heritage Day" to educate and involve residents in their town's history. For additional information including membership please visit their website at boltoncthistory.org.

Horses in Parks

Horses are prohibited in buildings, in swimming areas, on beaches and in other areas so designated by signs posted by the Parks Staff.  Horses and other riding animals are prohibited in picnic areas and athletic fields. For more information please visit our website.

House Numbering

The Bolton Fire Department strongly recommends that house numbers be visible from the road. They also recommend placing the numbers on your mailbox or a post near your driveway. Numbers should be at least three inches high and should have a contrasting color to the mailbox or post they are mounted on. Reflective numbers are best. If the mailboxes on your street are all on one side of the street, please also put your number on your house. Reflective mailbox signs displaying your house number are available from the Bolton Fire Department for $20. For more information visit their website or call 860-649-3910.


Ice Skating

Weather permitting, ice skating is available in the winter at Herrick Park


The Connecticut Field office is located at 450 Main Street, 1st Floor, Hartford, CT 06103 and is open Monday through Friday from 7:30a.m. - 3:30p.m. For more information, please call the US Citizenship and Immigration Services at 1-800-375-5283 or visit the website at uscis.gov.

Information Services

If you have a question regarding town services, please email info@boltonct.org or call 860-649-8066 x 6112. For information on state services dial 211.

Inland Wetlands Commission

The Bolton Inland Wetlands Commission reviews applications for activities proposed within 100 feet of a wetland or watercourse and decides whether the activities are allowed by the inland wetlands regulations. For meeting minutes and other information, please visit us here. To leave a public comment, please fill out the public comment form on our website here.

Inland Wetlands Regulation

For information regarding regulations please visit here, email landuse@boltonct.org, or call 860-649-8066 x 6113. An Inland Wetlands Permit is required for work within regulated areas. The regulated area is 100 feet from the edge of a wetland or watercourse as defined by the State of Connecticut.


Find the Town of Bolton at town.boltonct.org. (See also Utilities)


Justice of the Peace

A list of the town’s Justices of the Peace can be found on our website or at the Town Clerks office.

Application Process: An applicant for the office of Justice of the Peace must be a registered voter. If the applicant is affiliated with a party they should contact the chairman of that party and request to be nominated as a Justice of the Peace. If not, if there are vacancies at that time, the appointment can be made immediately. If there is no vacancy in the town the applicant would have to wait for nominations, which occur every 4 years during the month of December, to be made by the local town committees. For more information please email townclerk@boltonct.org or call 860-649-8066 x 6106.

K - L


See Parks.

Lake Commissioner

The Lake Commissioner can be reached at lake@boltonct.org. The term for the Lake Commissioner renews biennially.

Land Use Permit

Bolton’s Land Use Department can be reached by emailing Danielle Palazzini or calling at 860-649-8066 x 6103. A land use permit is a legal document required by State of Connecticut Statute for permissive uses of, or changes made to a piece of land or a given section of that land. For more information please visit our website here.

Leaf Collection

Leaf clippings must be free of twigs, branches, and other foreign objects. They may be disposed of loose or in biodegradable paper leaf bags (30-gallon). The fee is $6 for every five bags brought to the transfer station on the same day. No fee amount will be deducted for under five bags brought on a given Saturday. Please contact the Transfer Station for up-to-date information by visiting our website.

Library Card

For information on how to obtain or renew a library card please visit our website, email bentley@biblio.org or call the Bentley Memorial Library at 860-646-7349.


Boat Operator Certificate - For information on Boat or personal Water Craft (PWC) operating certificates please visit the CT DEEP website.

Business Licenses - (See Business Registration).

Dog Licenses - June is dog license renewal month in the State of Connecticut. Per State Statute, all dogs who are six months or older must be licensed regardless of the time of year. Dog owners must provide a valid rabies certificate and proof of the dog's spaying or neutering (if applicable) in order for a license to be issued. For fees and more information visit our website.

Marriage License - When applying for your license, you must do so in the town of occurrence. Both parties to the marriage must appear in person and possess a valid government issued ID. The license is good for 65 days and the fee is $50 (Cash or Check). Marriage Licenses are done by APPOINTMENT ONLY. Please allow 30 minutes to complete the application process. Last appointment will be taken 1/2 hour prior to closing time. Here is the Marriage License Worksheet. If you need an officiator please visit our website.

Sporting Licenses - Sporting licenses (fishing, hunting, and trapping) are available online at the DEEP's website. Hunters must show hunter safety certification or a previous (within 5 years) resident hunting license. State of Connecticut Conservation/Firearms Safety Course information can be found by calling 860-424-3011. Children under 16 do not need a fishing license.

Other Licenses - For additional information on licenses, please contact the Town Clerk's Office by email townclerk@boltonct.org, phone 860-649-8066 x 6106, or by visiting our website.



Survey and Subdivision maps are available at the Town Clerk’s Office. For more information call 860-649-8066 x 6106 or email townclerk@boltonct.org. (Also see Geographic Information System).

Marriage Licenses
Mil Rate

The property tax rate is determined by dividing the total amount of the budget of the town by the Net Taxable Grand List that is produced by the Town Assessor. The Net Taxable Grand List is a listing of all the taxable Real Estate, Motor Vehicles, and Personal Property in the town as of the assessment date of October 1. A tax rate of one mil produces $1 of taxes on each $1,000 of property assessment. For a list of historic Mil Rates please visit our website.


For information on steps you can take to minimize mosquito infestation, call the Health District at 860-429-3325 or email ehhd@ehhd.org.

Motor Vehicles - CT Department of

The Motor Vehicle Department website is ct.gov/dmv. The phone number is 860-263-5700. Hours of operation are Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday from 7:45a.m. – 4p.m.; Thursdays from 9:15a.m. – 5:30p.m.; and Saturdays from 8:00a.m. – 12:30p.m.

Enfield Office - 4 Pearson Way, Enfield, CT 06082. The Enfield office offers limited services.
Wethersfield Office - 60 State Street Wethersfield, CT 06161.
Willimantic Office - 1557 Main Street Willimantic, CT 06226.

MS4 Stormwater

In accordance with the requirements of the State Freedom of Information Act, all town residents are hereby notified that the 2019 Annual Report for the CT DEEP General Permit for the Discharge of Storm water from Small Municipal Storm Sewer Systems (MS4 Storm water General Permit) will be available for public review and comment on the town website, and at the Office of the Administrative Officer, beginning on or before February 15th. All comments can be submitted electronically, or in writing, to the Office of the Administrative Officer townadmin@boltonct.org. For more information please call 860-649-8066 x 6115 visit our website.



Bolton Local area news is covered by the Journal Inquirer and the Hartford Courant.

Notary Public

A notary public who resides in the Town of Bolton must register in the Town Clerk's office when he or she receives their notary certificate from the State of Connecticut. The registration fee is $20 payable by cash/check. We also offer notary services in the Town Clerk's office and Selectman's office. Notarial services are done only in person and you must present the entire document, not just the page being notarized in order for us to notarize your document. You must present a valid government issued picture I.D. or 2 Alternative forms of identification. See list of acceptable forms of I.D. Please note that we do not notarize Wills, Living Wills, I-9 forms, or any documents that are to be recorded on the Bolton Land Records. There is a $2 fee for each notarization and $5 for land record related documents.


Open Burning

While open burning is permitted as a method to dispose of brush there are rules to be followed. Open burning always requires a permit. For information on how to obtain a permit please visit our website. The rules are in place for health and safety reasons as burning can impact air quality and pose a risk for uncontrolled fires that can have a negative impact on both natural resources and man-made structures. Burning may not be used as a method to clear land, burn leaves, household trash or construction debris. A garden hose or other source of water is needed for controlling the fire intensity and wetting down the area after the burn. Burn piles must be attended at all times by an adult. Additional information for open burning and recreational camp fires is available on the CT DEEP website www.ct.gov/deep.


For information on town ordinances please visit us here.


Park-n-Ride Lot

Freja Park
Freja Park sits on 21 acres of undeveloped land off of Route 44 on Bolton Notch Pond. This area is open for hiking and other similar recreational activities throughout the year. For use of this park please park in the commuter lots on Route 44.

Bolton Heritage Farm
(See Heritage Farm).

Herrick Park
Herrick Park is located at 29 Hebron Road. A playscape and picnic area are highlights of the park. It also has two ball fields which double as a soccer field each fall. The greatest asset of Herrick Park is the community building, which is not only used regularly by many groups during the year, but also can be rented for special occasions. Bates Nature Trail can be found at the Park. There is also an outdoor basketball court and an area that is flooded in the winter for skating, and the park is open year-round. For Herrick Park rentals email hr@boltonct.org or call 860-649-8066 x 6111.

Indian Notch Park
Indian Notch boasts a 300-foot sandy beachfront on Bolton Lake. Lifeguards are on duty during the day during the summer. Park amenities include picnic tables, grills, pavilion, rest rooms, basketball court, and baseball diamond. A daily fee is charged for access, or seasonal passes may be purchased through the Selectmen’s Office. This park is currently only open for the general summer season. For Indian Notch rentals please email recreation@boltonct.org or call 860-649-8066 x 6109.

State Parks
Bolton is also home to all or part of three State Parks: Bolton Notch State Park, a portion of Hop River State Park Trail, and the northernmost part of Gay City State Park. For more information please visit the CT state parks website.

Permits, Other
Pistol Permits
Planning & Zoning Commision

The Planning & Zoning Commission (PZC) is a ten-member (seven regular members and three alternate members) elected Commission responsible for the planning, conservation, and development of the Town through the regulation of land use activities. Through its Plan of Conservation and Development (POCD), the Subdivision Regulations and the Zoning Regulations, the PZC regulates residential, commercial and industrial development, as well as implements future policy for the conservation and systematic development of Town properties. It is supported by a multi-department team of Town Staff, responsible for comprehensively reviewing all pending proposals and applications.

The PZC holds monthly meetings and/or public hearings on proposals for subdivisions, special permits, site plan reviews, changes in zoning classifications, and amendments to the zoning regulations. All regular meetings and hearings are open to the public and are held the second Wednesday of every month. To submit an application to the PZC, please click here. To review agendas, meeting minutes or other information, please visit the PZC webpage here. To leave a public comment, please fill out the public comment form on our website here

Poison Control Center

Contact the 24-hour Poison Control Center at 1-800-222-1222.


For emergencies dial 911. Bolton is serviced by both a resident State Trooper and Connecticut State Police Troop K in Colchester. The State Trooper’s office is located at 220 Bolton Center Road. Troop K is located at 15A Old Hartford Road Colchester, CT 06415 and can be reached by phone at 860-465-5400. For State Police information visit their website at ct.gov/despp. For a list of monthly Bolton Police reports and other information please visit our website.

Post Office

The Bolton Post Office is located at 681 Boston Turnpike and can be reached at 860-643-4872. For more information please visit their website at postallocations.com/ct/bolton/bolton.

Mail Forwarding
For instructions on mail forwarding please visit usa.gov/post-office.

P.O. Box
For instructions about how to set pa a P.O. Box please visit usps.com/manage/po-boxes.

Property Valuation Database

The Office of Assessment online assessment database provides information on each parcel of real estate in Bolton, along with the ability to search for sales of properties that might be similar to a selected property. You can access the database by clicking here.

Public Transportation

The Bolton Park and Ride Lot and Boston Turnpike Bus Station is serviced by the 918 Willimantic/Coventry Express Line. For more information such as schedules and pricing please visit the Connecticut Transit Website at cttransit.com.

Q - R

Raffle, Bazaar, and Bingo Permits

All raffle, bazaar, and bingo permits must be returned to the Selectman’s Office in person. For more information and applications please visit our website.


Public records are available through the Town Clerk’s office in accordance with the freedom of information act. Some land records are available on our website. Vital Records such as Birth, Marriage, and Death are available via a request form on our website. For more information call 860-649-8066 x 6106 or email townclerk@boltonct.org.

Recreation Department

For information on the Recreation Department and its services such as programs, facilities, and rental inquiries please visit the Rec Department website or contact our director by phone at 860-649-8066 x 6109 or email at recreation@boltonct.org.

Recycling, What can I?

For specific inquiries on what you can and can’t recycle in Bolton please visit this website.


The Town may hold a referendum to vote on certain matters. A referendum is a vote of all participating Bolton residents. The Town budget is approved on an annual basis by a Town referendum. For more information please email townadmin@boltonct.org or call 860-649-8066 x 6115.

Refuse & Recycling

Trash and Recycle cans should be placed out the night before or by 6:00a.m. the day of pick up. A single, 95-gallon trash cart is distributed to all new residences throughout Bolton once a certificate of occupancy has been obtained for the home. A smaller, 65-gallon trash cart can be requested and exchanged for any household looking to have a smaller cart instead. Additional trash carts may be purchased through the Town Selectmen's Office in Town Hall. Each single-family household is allowed one recycle cart only. For more information such as battery recycling, over-sized item recycling and Transfer Station hours please visit our Website.

Registrar of Voters

The Bolton Registrar of Voters located at 104 Notch Road has office hours on Wednesdays from 2:00p.m. – 4:00p.m. You can reach them at 860-533-1243 or by email at bolton.dem@gmail.com or bolton.rep@gmail.com. To look-up which party you are affiliated with, register to vote, or for more information please visit our website.

Route 6 Economic Development Council

For general information on the Route 6 Economic Development Council please visit their information page on the Town of Coventry’s website. For meeting minutes and other information, please visit us here. To leave a public comment, please fill out the public comment form on our website here.


School Closing Information

Information about Bolton School Closings, Delays, and Early Dismissals will be issued by the superintendent’s office. Please check your local news stations for closing in other school districts. Parents/guardians may sign up for email/text notifications of school closings by visiting the public school’s website. For more information visit their website at boltonpublicschools.com.

Senior Center

Located at 104 Notch Road, the Bolton Senior Center is open to all seniors in the community, ages 55 and up and is open Monday through Thursday 9:00a.m. - 4:00p.m. and Friday 9:00a.m. - 3:00p.m. For more information please visit our website, email cconcatelli@boltonct.org or call 860-647-9196.

Senior Citizen's Commission

The Senior Citizen’s Commission is an advisory Commission that works alongside town staff to help promote use of the Senior Center for the use of Bolton’s Senior Citizens aged 55 and over. For meeting minutes and other information, please visit us here. To leave a public comment, please fill out the public comment form on our website here.

Senior Services

Bolton offers a variety of services to seniors including but not limited to tax assistance, CHOICE Counseling (information on Medicare plans), transportation, and Chore assistance. In addition, the Municipal Agent for the Elderly is available to provide information and referral to community resources. For more information please visit our website, email seniorservices@boltonct.org, or call 860-647-9196.

Senior Transportation

The Bolton Senior Center offers a free van service for those disabled and/or aged 60+. To schedule call 860-647-9196 or email cconcatelli@boltonct.org. If possible, please call at least one day in advance of your appointment.

Social Media

We encourage you to follow the town on all our social media platforms to stay up to date on all town information. Please follow us on our Facebook | Twitter | Snapchat | Instagram | Nextdoor | LinkedIn.

Social Security Administration

East Hartford - 478 Burnside Avenue East Hartford, Connecticut 06108; 1-866-706-6759

Willimantic - 1320 Main Street Suite 19 Willimantic, Connecticut 06226; 1-877-405-0488

Office Hours: Monday & Tuesday from 9:00a.m. – 4:00p.m.; Wednesday from 9:00a.m. – 12:00p.m. & Thursday & Friday from 9:00a.m. – 4:00p.m. Closed Saturday.

Social Services

Bolton offers a variety of social services including but not limited to a Seasonal Newsletter, a Food Pantry, Financial Assistance, and Holiday Programs. For more information please visit our website, email cconcatelli@boltonct.org, or call 860-647-9196.

State Government

For information on state government officials please visit https://portal.ct.gov/.

Street Lighting and Street Light Repairs

To report street light problems on a town road, call 860-649-4302. For state roads call 860-649-1708.

Summer Camp

The Bolton Recreation Department offers Summer Camp for kids aged 3-18. For more information please visit their website at boltonrec.recdesk.com, email recreation@boltonct.org or call 860-649-8066 x 6109.

Sustainable CT Committee

The Sustainable CT Committee is a committee, empaneled in 2019, that is responsible for reviewing and implementing action items laid out by the Sustainable CT organization that will lead to a more sustainable future for the Town. For information on Sustainable CT, please visit sustainablect.org. For meeting minutes and other information, please visit us here. To leave a public comment, please fill out the public comment form on our website here.



Pay Your Bolton Property Taxes Online - Visit our online portal.

Tax Credit Work Program – This program is available for income eligible homeowners over age 65.  Residents can apply to volunteer for a town department to earn a property tax credit.  Applications must be submitted through Social Services.

Tax Help - Trained AARP volunteers are available during the tax season to help prepare state and federal tax returns. For appointments please call 860-647-9196 or email socialservices@boltonct.org.

Tax Relief - Several assessment exemptions and benefits are available to qualified taxpayers. For information please call the Assessor’s Office at 860-649-8066 x 6100.

Tax Questions – For more information please visit our website, email taxcollector@boltonct.org, or call 860-649-8066 x 6101

Town Administrator
Town Green Activities & Sign Placement

To place a sign on the town green or on any town property you must receive approval from the Selectmen’s Office first please visit the Selectman’s Office, email hr@boltonct.org, or call 860-649-8066 x 6111. All signs must be placed at least 50ft. from the stop sign.

Town Hall

Town Hall is located at 222 Bolton Center Rd. Town Hall is open on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 8:30a.m. - 4p.m., Tuesday from 8:30a.m. - 6:30p.m., and Friday from 8:30a.m.-1p.m. For more information call 860-649-8066 or email info@boltonct.org. Directions to town hall can be found at the end of this webpage.

Town Historian

Also see Historical Society.

The Society is dedicated to preserving Bolton's rich historic past, from its founding in 1720 to the 21st century. They annually award the Evelyn W. Halloran Memorial Scholarship and sponsor an annual "Heritage Day" to educate and involve residents in their town's history. For additional information including membership please visit their website at boltoncthistory.org.

Town Meeting

A Town Meeting is when participating Bolton residents come together to legislate policy and budgets for the Town. There is an annual Town Meeting in May to hear a report from all of the Town’s departments and adopt a Town budget. In addition, Special Town Meetings may be called to address urgent matters as they arise. For more information please email townadmin@boltonct.org or call 860-649-8066 x 6115.

Traffic Signals

To report a malfunctioning traffic signal call Troop K at 860-465-5400.

Trails Committee

The Trails Committee is responsible for maintaining and promoting the various trails and greenways throughout Bolton. For meeting minutes and other information, please contact townadmin@boltonct.org or 860-649-8066 x6115. To leave a public comment, please fill out the public comment form on our website here.

Transfer Station

The Residential Recycling Center is located next to the Town Garage off of Bolton Notch Road. The facility is only for use by Bolton residents and is for materials generated by residential activities. Waste generated from commercial, business or industry activities is not allowed. A resident non-transferable ticket is required for access to the facility and may be purchased from the Selectmen’s Office or at the Recycling Center. The ticket is $24.00, and depending on use, is valid for a maximum of 4 years. The size of the load determines usage. The attendant at the center will punch up to four holes in your ticket, one hole for each $6 fee. When all 4 holes have been punched, the permit is considered to be expired. For more information including schedules and a list of acceptable items please visit our website.

Trash Collection

Also see Transfer Station.

Trash and Recycle cans should be placed out the night before or by 6:00 a.m. the day of pick up. A single, 95-gallon trash cart is distributed to all residence throughout Bolton once a certificate of occupancy has been obtained for the home. A smaller, 65-gallon trash cart can be requested and exchanged for any household looking to have a smaller cart instead. Additional trash carts may be purchased through the Town Selectmen's Office in Town Hall. Each single-family household is allowed one recycle cart only. For information on when trash collection occurs please see this list of streets by group then this group pickup schedule. For other information please visit our website.

Tree Warden

Tree wardens are appointed public officials responsible for trees alongside public roads and in public spaces, other than those on state property or under the jurisdiction of a park commission. Bolton’s Tree Warden can be reached by email highway@boltonct.org or phone 860-649-4302.

Troop K

For emergencies Dial 911. Connecticut State Police Troop K is located at 15A Old Hartford Road Colchester, CT 06415. You can call them at 800-546-5005 or 860-465-5400. For more information you can visit them at ct.gov/DESPP. (See Police).



Cable/Internet - Comcast Cable at 1-866-200-6680 or Frontier at 1-800-921-8101.

Electric - Eversource at 1-800-286-2000.

Gas - Connecticut Natural Gas Corporation at 1-860-524-8361.

Oil - Check the Bolton phone directory for local dealers and service.

Sewer - During regular Town Hall hours call 860-649-8066 x 6112, for after-hours emergency service call 860-375-0112.

Telephone - Frontier at 1-800-239-4430 for residential repair service.

Water - Connecticut Water at 1-800-286-5700.


Vendor Permits

For information on vendor permits please visit our website, email hr@boltonct.org, or call 860-649-8066 x 6111.


It is one of the easiest and more important things you can do for your community. For more information, see our list of open Board and Commission positions or call 860-649-8066 x 6111.

Voter Registration


Wetland Regulations

X - Z

Zip Code

The Zip Code for Bolton is 06043.

Zoning Board of Appeals

The Zoning Board of Appeals is the body that review applications for variances to the zoning regulations. If a proposed development is not permitted by the Planning and Zoning Commission the Zoning Board of Appeals may hear a case for allowance of a variance at which time they may either approve or deny that variance. In the event of denial an individual would have to seek further appeal with the state court. To apply for a hearing, please contact our Zoning Enforcement Officer at landuse@boltonct.org. This is an elected board. For meeting minutes and other information, please visit us here. To leave a public comment, please fill out the public comment form on our website here.

Directions to Bolton Town Hall

From I-384 East

Take Exit 5. At the end of the Exit take a right onto Bolton Center Road and follow it around. Go past the fire house on your left and past the town green with the gazebo also on your left. Keep following Bolton Center Road to the stop sign and Town Hall will be on your left.

From Route 6

Take Route 6 to Steele’s Crossing Road. Come up Steele’s Crossing and follow it to the stop sign. Take a right onto Bolton Center Road. Follow the road past Bolton Heritage Farm on your right and Town Hall will be on your right at the next stop sign.