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(860) 649-8066

Sewerage Facilities



Adopted:  March 28, 1955


Section 1.         No dwellings, apartments, boarding houses, hotels or commercial buildings shall be constructed in the Town of Bolton unless the sewerage facilities in connection with the same have been approved by the Director of Health of the Town or an inspector appointed by him.  The Director of Health or any Inspector appointed by him shall approve any such sewerage facilities when such facilities meet the requirements of the Sanitary Code of the State of Connecticut.


Section 2.         All applications for approval of the sewerage facilities shall be filed with the Director of Health or the inspector appointed by him. All applications for approval shall be accompanied by plans of the proposed sewerage facilities.  The fee which shall accompany said application shall be Fifteen ($15.00) Dollars payable to the Town of Bolton.


Section 3.         The owner or agent of any building who shall violate any provision of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not to exceed Twenty-five ($25.00) Dollars for each and every day that such violation shall continue.