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(860) 649-8066

Recreation Programs

Holiday Light Tour in Bolton ct

Egg Hunt

Holiday Light Tour in Bolton ct

Saturday April 19, 2025
12:00pm @ Herrick Park; 29 Hebron rd., Bolton CT 06043

All Ages are welcome and separated into three different sections of the field to hunt for eggs. Ages 4 and under, Ages 5-7, Ages 8+

The eggs are filled with candy and toys. Allergies are taken into account, however we ask that you check your child's candy before eating it. Music, Games, and more will be available for all to enjoy prior to the egg hunt! Parents are required to stay at the park with their child for the entirety of the event! In case of inclement weather, the egg hunt will take place inside of the building at Herrick Park instead with the egg hunt beginning at 12:00pm, one age group at a time. Times for age ranges will be posted on town website.

Join the Bolton Fire Department Women's Auxiliary for their annual Bunny Breakfast before the Egg Hunt. This event is held at the Bolton Volunteer Fire Department and runs from 8:30 to 11:00 am.

Make sure to visit the firefighters at the fire house for the plant sale from April 17th-20th!!

11th Annual Town Wide Tag Sale Bolton CT

11th Annual Town Wide Tag Sale!

11th Annual Town Wide Tag Sale Bolton CT

Do you have an excess of clothing, shoes, handbags, jewelry, furniture, and/or toys that are not being used, but rather are taking up space in your garage, basement and closets?   Be a part of the community tag sale! You host it and we will promote it!

Saturday, May 3, 2025
 TIME: 8am to 4pm
FEE: $25

Bolton Recreation will do the advertising for you, and your contributions will help benefit recreation programs such as the egg hunt, summer concert series, afterschool programs, summer camps and more. Each participating home will receive a road sign and a stack of tag sale maps, and an electronic copy of the map will be emailed for you to share online as well. Reach more people and join your neighbors for a fun day!

Register your tag sale NO LATER THAN Monday, April, 14 2025

This give us adequate time to compile the list of tag sales, and set up a time with you to pick up your sign!

Interested in having a tag sale? Register HERE