September 27, 2024
Let’s Get CT Voting
As Election Day approaches, it's vital to ensure that every voter is aware of the exciting new early voting option in Connecticut. We have a quick PSA video to help voters understand early voting which can be found at this link.
September 26, 2024
Connecticut's Countryside Four-Town Website
In 2020, Coventry partnered with the towns of Bolton, Mansfield, and Tolland, to create a regional economic vitality plan. This plan has six themes: agriculture, culture & entertainment, higher education, outdoor recreation, small business & entrepreneurship, and visibility & marketing. In each theme there is a set of ideas that when implemented would grow the whole region's economy.
September 10, 2024
Visiting All American Waste Facility
Check out this video featuring local hero Dallas as he visits the All American Waste recycling facility to learn about their recycling processes and see firsthand how it all works.