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Calendar of Events

    [shortDescription] => <p>Call-In Number: 1-929-205-6099<br>Meeting ID: 876 8870 9947<br><a href="https://cdn.branchcms.com/EzoynNLyL2-1704/docs/boards/selectmen/2022/agendas/BOS-Facilities-and-Public-Safety-Subcommittee-Agenda-and-Packet-1-5-21.pdf">Agenda &amp; Packet</a></p>
    [id] => 953
    [isFeatured] => 0
    [title] => Board of Selectmen (Facilities and Public Safety Subcommittee)
    [description] => <p>Call-In Number: 1-929-205-6099<br>Meeting ID: 876 8870 9947<br><a href="https://cdn.branchcms.com/EzoynNLyL2-1704/docs/boards/selectmen/2022/agendas/BOS-Facilities-and-Public-Safety-Subcommittee-Agenda-and-Packet-1-5-21.pdf">Agenda &amp; Packet</a></p>
    [createdOnDate] => December 23, 2021
    [createdOnTime] => 12:19 pm
    [createdOnTimestamp] => 1640279967
    [createdByUser] => Not Available
    [createdByType] => admin
    [updatedOnDate] => December 23, 2021
    [updatedOnTime] => 12:19 pm
    [updatedOnTimestamp] => 1640279967
    [updatedByUser] => Not Available
    [updatedByType] => admin
    [publishedOnDate] => December 23, 2021
    [publishedOnTime] => 12:18 pm
    [publishedOnTimestamp] => 1640279880
    [expiresOnDate] => Not Available
    [expiresOnTime] => Not Available
    [expiresOnTimestamp] => 0
    [categories] => Array
            [3] => Array
                    [id] => 3
                    [categoryName] => Government
                    [name] => Government
                    [url_key] => government
                    [parentId] => 0
                    [description] => 
                    [image] => 
                    [createdOnDate] => July 27, 2021
                    [createdOnTime] => 12:36 pm
                    [createdOnTimestamp] => 1627403767
                    [createdByUser] => Array
                            [firstName] => Default
                            [lastName] => User
                            [fullName] => Default User
                            [profileImage] => 
                            [email] => support@branchcms.com
                            [website] => https://www.boltonct.gov

                    [createdByType] => admin
                    [updatedOnDate] => July 28, 2021
                    [updatedOnTime] => 11:16 am
                    [updatedOnTimestamp] => 1627485417
                    [updatedByUser] => Array
                            [firstName] => Default
                            [lastName] => User
                            [fullName] => Default User
                            [profileImage] => 
                            [email] => support@branchcms.com
                            [website] => https://www.boltonct.gov

                    [updatedByType] => admin
                    [url] => /calendar/category/government


    [categoryCount] => 1
    [repeats] => 
    [time] => Array
            [start] => 10:00 am
            [startTimestamp] => 1641394800
            [type] => start
            [isAllDay] => 
            [isStartEnd] => 
            [isStartOnly] => 1
            [isTba] => 
            [isNoTime] => 

    [dateIsAfterStartDate] => 
    [dateTimestamp] => 1641394800
    [date] => January 5, 2022
    [startDateTimestamp] => 1641394800
    [startDate] => January 5, 2022
    [endDateTimestamp] => 1641394800
    [endDate] => January 5, 2022
    [spansMultipleDays] => 
    [isMultiDay] => 
    [url] => /calendar/event/953
    [icalUrl] => /calendar/feed/event-ical/id/953
    [hasRegistration] => 
    [isPastEvent] => 1
    [isToday] => 
January 5, 2022
10:00 am

Call-In Number: 1-929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 876 8870 9947
Agenda & Packet

    [image] => Array
            [alt] => 
            [fileExtension] => jpg
            [fileName] => Russet-Potato-and-Leek-Soup.jpg
            [height] => 3024
            [src] => https://files.aptuitivcdn.com/EzoynNLyL2-1704/images/Russet-Potato-and-Leek-Soup.jpg
            [tag] => <img src="https://files.aptuitivcdn.com/EzoynNLyL2-1704/images/Russet-Potato-and-Leek-Soup.jpg" height="3024"  width="4032" alt="">
            [type] => image
            [typeName] => JPG Image
            [width] => 4032
            [originalSrc] => https://files.aptuitivcdn.com/EzoynNLyL2-1704/images/Russet-Potato-and-Leek-Soup.jpg

    [shortDescription] => <p>Links to the video and recipes for delicious Russet Potato Leek Soup are on our <a href="/departments/bentley-memorial-library/library-programs">Programs page</a>. This is the first in our eight part cooking series with Simply Creative Chef Rob. Each week through February the link to a new video and recipe will post.</p>
    [location] => Online
    [requesterContact] => Trish
    [requesterName] => Trish
    [id] => 955
    [isFeatured] => 0
    [title] => Cooking with Chef Rob - Russet Potato Leek Soup
    [description] => <p>Join our eight-week cooking series with Simply Creative Chef Rob. This week's feature is Russet Potato Leek Soup. Every Wednesday we will post a link to a new video and recipe. In the videos, Chef Rob walks you through each recipe step-by-step with lots of helpful cooking and kitchen tips along the way. You'll find weekly links to videos and recipes on our website's Programs page. No registration is required.</p>
    [createdOnDate] => December 28, 2021
    [createdOnTime] => 2:45 pm
    [createdOnTimestamp] => 1640720715
    [createdByUser] => Array
            [isLoggedIn] => 
            [id] => 885
            [contactId] => 885
            [username] => tbrudz
            [userId] => 
            [company] => 
            [department] => 
            [title] => 
            [email] => tbrudz@biblio.org
            [fax] => 
            [fullName] => Trish  Brudz
            [firstName] => Trish
            [middleName] => 
            [lastName] => Brudz
            [namePrefix] => 
            [nameSuffix] => 
            [gender] => unknown
            [pager] => 
            [website] => 
            [phone] => Array
                    [home] => 
                    [office] => 
                    [mobile] => 
                    [other] => 
                    [tollFree] => 

            [profileImage] => 
            [adminUser] => 

    [createdByType] => public
    [updatedOnDate] => December 29, 2021
    [updatedOnTime] => 11:08 am
    [updatedOnTimestamp] => 1640794106
    [updatedByUser] => Array
            [isLoggedIn] => 
            [id] => 885
            [contactId] => 885
            [username] => tbrudz
            [userId] => 
            [company] => 
            [department] => 
            [title] => 
            [email] => tbrudz@biblio.org
            [fax] => 
            [fullName] => Trish  Brudz
            [firstName] => Trish
            [middleName] => 
            [lastName] => Brudz
            [namePrefix] => 
            [nameSuffix] => 
            [gender] => unknown
            [pager] => 
            [website] => 
            [phone] => Array
                    [home] => 
                    [office] => 
                    [mobile] => 
                    [other] => 
                    [tollFree] => 

            [profileImage] => 
            [adminUser] => 

    [updatedByType] => public
    [publishedOnDate] => December 28, 2021
    [publishedOnTime] => 4:08 pm
    [publishedOnTimestamp] => 1640725680
    [expiresOnDate] => Not Available
    [expiresOnTime] => Not Available
    [expiresOnTimestamp] => 0
    [categories] => Array
            [5] => Array
                    [id] => 5
                    [categoryName] => Library Events
                    [name] => Library Events
                    [url_key] => library
                    [parentId] => 0
                    [description] => 
                    [image] => 
                    [createdOnDate] => August 3, 2021
                    [createdOnTime] => 10:13 am
                    [createdOnTimestamp] => 1628000025
                    [createdByUser] => Array
                            [firstName] => Default
                            [lastName] => User
                            [fullName] => Default User
                            [profileImage] => 
                            [email] => support@branchcms.com
                            [website] => https://www.boltonct.gov

                    [createdByType] => admin
                    [updatedOnDate] => September 17, 2021
                    [updatedOnTime] => 10:23 am
                    [updatedOnTimestamp] => 1631888591
                    [updatedByUser] => Not Available
                    [updatedByType] => admin
                    [url] => /calendar/category/library


    [categoryCount] => 1
    [repeats] => 
    [time] => Array
            [end] => 5:30 pm
            [endTimestamp] => 1641421800
            [start] => 5:00 pm
            [startTimestamp] => 1641420000
            [type] => timed
            [isAllDay] => 
            [isStartEnd] => 1
            [isStartOnly] => 
            [isTba] => 
            [isNoTime] => 

    [dateIsAfterStartDate] => 
    [dateTimestamp] => 1641420000
    [date] => January 5, 2022
    [startDateTimestamp] => 1641420000
    [startDate] => January 5, 2022
    [endDateTimestamp] => 1641421800
    [endDate] => January 5, 2022
    [spansMultipleDays] => 
    [isMultiDay] => 
    [url] => /calendar/event/955
    [icalUrl] => /calendar/feed/event-ical/id/955
    [hasRegistration] => 
    [isPastEvent] => 1
    [isToday] => 
January 5, 2022
5:00 pm to 5:30 pm

Links to the video and recipes for delicious Russet Potato Leek Soup are on our Programs page. This is the first in our eight part cooking series with Simply Creative Chef Rob. Each week through February the link to a new video and recipe will post.

Add your event

If you have an event happening in the Revere community then you can share it on our calendar.
Note that all events are reviewed before posting on the website.
Add Your Event