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Calendar of Events

    [shortDescription] => <p>Do mammals, birds, and reptiles share similar physical features, and how do we tell them apart? The Lutz will visit Bentley with three live animals, one from each group, along with biofacts from the museum&rsquo;s natural history collection. Younger patrons will show their understanding with a related craft and older patrons will play a team-based game.&nbsp;</p>
    [id] => 2165
    [isFeatured] => 0
    [title] => The Lutz Children’s Museum
    [description] => <p>Do mammals, birds, and reptiles share similar physical features, and how do we tell them apart? The Lutz will visit Bentley with three live animals, one from each group, along with biofacts from the museum&rsquo;s natural history collection. Younger patrons will show their understanding with a related craft and older patrons will play a team-based game.&nbsp;</p>
    [createdOnDate] => November 14, 2024
    [createdOnTime] => 9:34 am
    [createdOnTimestamp] => 1731594854
    [createdByUser] => Array
            [firstName] => Suellen
            [lastName] => Kamara
            [fullName] => Suellen Kamara
            [profileImage] => 
            [email] => skamara@boltonct.gov
            [website] => https://www.boltonct.gov

    [createdByType] => admin
    [updatedOnDate] => November 14, 2024
    [updatedOnTime] => 9:34 am
    [updatedOnTimestamp] => 1731594854
    [updatedByUser] => Array
            [firstName] => Suellen
            [lastName] => Kamara
            [fullName] => Suellen Kamara
            [profileImage] => 
            [email] => skamara@boltonct.gov
            [website] => https://www.boltonct.gov

    [updatedByType] => admin
    [publishedOnDate] => November 14, 2024
    [publishedOnTime] => 9:33 am
    [publishedOnTimestamp] => 1731594780
    [expiresOnDate] => Not Available
    [expiresOnTime] => Not Available
    [expiresOnTimestamp] => 0
    [categories] => Array
            [5] => Array
                    [id] => 5
                    [categoryName] => Library Events
                    [name] => Library Events
                    [url_key] => library
                    [parentId] => 0
                    [description] => 
                    [image] => 
                    [createdOnDate] => August 3, 2021
                    [createdOnTime] => 10:13 am
                    [createdOnTimestamp] => 1628000025
                    [createdByUser] => Array
                            [firstName] => Default
                            [lastName] => User
                            [fullName] => Default User
                            [profileImage] => 
                            [email] => support@branchcms.com
                            [website] => https://www.boltonct.gov

                    [createdByType] => admin
                    [updatedOnDate] => September 17, 2021
                    [updatedOnTime] => 10:23 am
                    [updatedOnTimestamp] => 1631888591
                    [updatedByUser] => Not Available
                    [updatedByType] => admin
                    [url] => /calendar/category/library


    [categoryCount] => 1
    [repeats] => 
    [time] => Array
            [start] => 12:00 pm
            [startTimestamp] => 1731171600
            [type] => start
            [isAllDay] => 
            [isStartEnd] => 
            [isStartOnly] => 1
            [isTba] => 
            [isNoTime] => 

    [dateIsAfterStartDate] => 
    [dateTimestamp] => 1731171600
    [date] => November 9, 2024
    [startDateTimestamp] => 1731171600
    [startDate] => November 9, 2024
    [endDateTimestamp] => 1731171600
    [endDate] => November 9, 2024
    [spansMultipleDays] => 
    [isMultiDay] => 
    [url] => /calendar/event/2165
    [icalUrl] => /calendar/feed/event-ical/id/2165
    [hasRegistration] => 
    [isPastEvent] => 1
    [isToday] => 
November 9, 2024
12:00 pm

Do mammals, birds, and reptiles share similar physical features, and how do we tell them apart? The Lutz will visit Bentley with three live animals, one from each group, along with biofacts from the museum’s natural history collection. Younger patrons will show their understanding with a related craft and older patrons will play a team-based game. 

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