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(860) 649-8066

Greenway/Shared Use Path

The Towns of Bolton and Coventry received a grant to hire a consultant to study the possibility of locating trails on the Route 6 Corridor properties that were recently given back to the Towns for open space purposes. BSC Group was chosen to prepare this study and recently presented its preliminary findings at two public information meetings, one in each Town.  Attached are the power point presentation that was made at the meetings, the preliminary maps of the trail and corridor, and a link to a survey about the project.  Please review the materials and take the survey.  Additional questions can be directed to Patrice Carson, Consulting Director of Community Development at (860) 649-8066 x 6114 or patrice.carson@boltonct.org.

Answer a short questionnaire on the Greenway here: Nathan Hale Greenway Questionnaire

Nathan Hale Greenway PDF
Nathan Hale Proposed Trail
Nathan Hale ER Map

Department of Transportation (DOT) -  Public Information Session 12/6/2017

DOT Brochure
DOT Powerpoint Presentation
DOT Comment Card
Click here to see proposed project maps
Click here to see more information


Department of Transportation (DOT) Public Informational Session

The DOT will be holding a Public Informational Session at 7:00 p.m. on December 6, 2017 at the Bolton Town Hall.  The presentation will review three projects involving Route 6/44 at the intersection of Notch Road.   

The three proposed projects include:

- The construction of a multi-use bike trail on the northern side of Route 6/44 beginning west of the Route 6/44 split and continuing east to Quarry Road.

- The realignment of Route 6 in the eastbound direction as it turns away from Route 44. This project is proposing to remove the compound curve and replace it with a single curve to potentially alleviate crashes in the vicinity.

 - The relocation of Notch Road further to the west to increase sightlines and decrease crossing distance for vehicles turning onto Route 44 eastbound from the Town Roadway. In addition, this potential project would include the removal of rock on the southern side of Route 6/44 to ease sightline obstructions.

We will post any additional information on the Town’s website as provided by the DOT.

Use Path Feasibility Study Brochure
Public Information Meeting Handout 2.27.14
Construction of Charter Oak Greenway Shared Use Path 2.19.14 


12-98 Public Information Meeting - Feasibility Study: Shared Use Path Connecting The Hop River Trail to Quarry Road

12-98 Public Newspaper Ad