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(860) 649-8066

Notice of Municipal Election

October 26, 2023

Notice of Municipal Election 
Town of Bolton 

The electors of the town of Bolton are hereby warned to meet at their polling place in the aforesaid town of Bolton on Tuesday, November 7, 2023, to cast their votes for: First Selectman, Selectmen 4 yr., Selectman 2 yr. , Finance Committee 4 yr., Finance Committee 2 yr., Board of Education, Board of Assessment Appeals, Planning and Zoning Commission, Planning and Zoning Commission 2 yr. vacancy, Planning and Zoning Alternate 2 yr. vacancy, Zoning Board of Appeals, Zoning Board of Appeals Alternate, Zoning Board of Appeals Alternate 2yr. vacancy and Town Meeting Moderator. 

Notice is hereby given that the polling place for both districts, 1 & 2, will be: Ryba Hall Parish Center, 32 Hebron Rd, Bolton, CT. Absentee ballots will be counted at the polling place. 

Voting machines will be used. Absentee ballots are available in the Town Clerk's office. The polling place will be open from six in the morning (6 AM) to eight in the evening (8 PM). 

Dated at Bolton, CT, this 26th day of October 2023. 
Elizabeth C. Waters 
Town Clerk