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Planning & Zoning Commission

February 21, 2025

Notice of Public Hearing

The Bolton Planning & Zoning Commission will hold a Public Hearing on Wednesday, March 12, 2025 at 7:30pm virtually & in the Town Hall, 222 Bolton Center Rd, Bolton, CT, to consider:

  1. Updates & amendments to the Subdivision Regulations (#PL-25-2) which include:
  2. Reorganization to improve functionality and useability;
  3. Updates to the numbering format;
  4. Minor non-substantive changes to improve consistency amongst the use of terms and resolve document conflicts.
  5. Zoning Regulation Amendments (#PL-25-1):
  6. Add Definition for Lot Coverage Area; Lot Coverage
  7. Amend Section 450-3.22 Minor modifications
  8. Amend Section 450-3.3 Nonconforming uses To Allow Limited Expansion of Existing Buildings
  9. Amend Sections 450-8.3 Rural Mixed Use Zone (RMUZ) and 450-9.2 Gateway Mixed Use Industrial Zone (GMUIZ) to Remove Requirement of Multifamily Residences on Upper Floors of Commercial Uses

Said proposal is on file for review in the Bolton Land Use Dept and on the Town’s Website at: https://town.boltonct.org/boards-commissions/planning-and-zoning

All interested parties may attend virtually or in person and testify or submit written testimony.

Dated at Bolton, CT, this 20th day of February, 2025.
Thomas Manning
PZC Chairman