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Planning & Zoning Commission Legal Notice Decision 01.11.23

February 13, 2023

The Bolton Planning & Zoning Commission, at its January 11, 2023 regular meeting, waived Zoning Regulations Sections 16A.4.g.2 and 16B.5.b. and granted an extension to file plans with Town Clerk to 12/20/23 for all approvals under  Special Permit for Veterinary Hospital/Emergency Care, 233 Boston Tpke & 12 Williams Rd (Bolton Vet), Veterinarians of Eastern Connecticut LLC (#PL-22-3).  The $683,393.00 Site Completion Bond will be reduced to include only completion of site improvements that will be conveyed to or controlled by the Town.

Dated at Bolton, CT, this 12th day of January, 2023.

Thomas Manning
P&Z Chairman

To be published in the Hartford Courant on January 17, 2023