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Bolton Heritage Farm Ordinance

Adopted:           by the Board of Selectmen November 8, 2006

Published:         Journal Inquirer November 16, 2006

Effective Date:   December 1, 2006


Bolton Heritage Farm Ordinance


1.                   It is recognized that pursuant to Connecticut General Statutes S7-148( c )(2)(k), that a special fund to be known as the Bolton Heritage Farm Fund (the “Fund”) be established, which Fund shall be used in whole or in part for the preservation, restoration, development and maintenance of the Bolton Heritage Farm located at 266 Bolton Center Road, Bolton, CT inclusive of the land and buildings.  The Bolton Heritage Farm, also known as the Rose Farm, Valley View Farm and Minister’s Farm, is approximately a 100 acre farm owned by the Town of Bolton.

2.                   There shall be deposited in such Fund (a) all monies received by the Town from whatever source and from whatever means as gifts for the Bolton Heritage Farm; (b) all monies received by the Town as grants for the Bolton Heritage Farm; (c) all monies received as rent or fees associated with the use of Bolton Heritage Farm; and (d) all monies appropriated to said Fund.

3.                   The Fund shall continue in existence until by ordinance it is determined to amend or discontinue the same.

4.                   Upon dissolution of the Fund, any remaining balances shall be paid over into the General Fund of the Town or such other fund as the ordinance terminating said Fund shall direct.


5.                   The Fund shall be in the custody of the Treasurer of the Town of Bolton and all or any part of the monies in said Fund may, from time to time, be invested in any securities in which public funds may be lawfully be invested.  All income derived from such investments shall be paid into the Fund and become part thereof.  The monies so invested shall at all times be subject to withdrawal from such investment for use as provided in paragraph 1 above.


6.                   Annually, the Treasurer shall submit to the Board of Selectmen a complete and detailed report of the condition of said Fund, which report shall be made a part of the Bolton annual report.


7.                   Decisions regarding grant applications and the use of monies in said Fund shall be made by the Board of Selectmen in its discretion.  The Selectmen may consult, to the extent they deem appropriate, with other boards, departments and agencies in the Town concerning the administration and carrying out the purposes of such Fund.


8.                   The Board of Selectmen shall appoint a Bolton Heritage Farm Commission which will consist of five members and two alternates.  One position on the commission would be from the Bolton Historical Society.  Any member of the Bolton Historical Society can substitute for each other as a member of the Bolton Heritage Farm Commission.  The four additional members and alternates would be appointed by the Selectmen without restriction.  The terms of these four members and alternates will be three years and shall be staggered.  The Bolton Heritage Farm Commission will consult with and invite the attendance of the Town’s Building and Grounds Supervisor to be in attendance at its meetings.


9.                   The Bolton Heritage Farm Commission’s purpose is to represent the interests of the Bolton community and to accomplish the following:


a.       Preserve and restore the historical, cultural, physical and archeological integrity of the Bolton Heritage Farm’s land and structures unless directed by the Board of Selectmen.

b.       Develop and submit for the Board of Selectmen’s approval a written plan for the short and long term mixed use of the Bolton Heritage Farm which could include historical, agricultural, educational, civic and tourism utilization.

c.       Implement with the assistance of Town staff the Selectmen’s accepted plan.

d.       Investigate, evaluate and pursue various economic and other possible resources to support the Bolton Heritage Farm and for the funding of the goals set forth herein.

e.       Report regularly to the Board of Selectmen on the Commission’s efforts in the development and implementation of the plan.

f.         Submit written quarterly reports to the Board of Selectmen as to the Commission’s accomplishments or lack there of.

g.       Continue, on an ongoing basis, to review the successful implementation of the plan to ensure that the Bolton Heritage Farm Commission’s purpose and goals are being achieved.