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Building Applications

Adopted by the Board of Selectmen on October 24, 2000
Published in the Manchester Extra on November 2, 2000
Effective Date:  November 17, 2000


Be it ordained by the Board of Selectmen of the Town of Bolton, Connecticut, that the following ordinance be established:


Section 1.         It is hereby found and declared that through the assessment, levying, and collection of taxes for general or special purposes on all property, subjects or objects which may be lawfully taxed, and through the regulation of the mode of assessment and collection of taxes, the Town of Bolton is exercising essential and proper government functions.


Section 2.         Pursuant to Section 7-148 of the Connecticut General Statutes, the Board of Selectmen of the Town of Bolton is hereby authorized to withhold approval of a building application when taxes or water or sewer rates, charges or assessments imposed by the Town of Bolton are delinquent for the property for which an application was made.


The Board of Selectmen shall establish such procedures, by resolution, as are necessary to effectuate the purposes of this ordiance.