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(860) 649-8066

Civil Preparedness Ordinance

Adopted at Town Meeting on February 7, 1977
Published on February 15, 1977

Effective Date:  March 2, 1977
Sections 2 and 3 Revised - Effective Date:  November 7, 1982


Section 1.         This ordinance shall be known as the Civil Preparedness Ordinance of the Town of Bolton.

Section 2.         There is herewith established a Civil Preparedness Organization consisting of an advisory council of eight members with the First Selectman serving as Director.  Said local organization shall perform such Civil Preparedness functions in the Town of Bolton as prescribed by the State Director of Civil Preparedness and in addition shall conduct such functions outside the Town of Bolton as are prescribed by the State Civil Preparedness Plan and Program or by the terms of any mutual aid agreement to which the Town of Bolton may become a party.


Section 3.         Said advisory council shall include the Public Works Foreman, Fire Chief, Administrative Assistant, Resident State Trooper, Town Clerk and an Ad Hoc Citizen Advisory Panel of 2 – 3 citizens.


Section 4.         The Director shall be responsible for the organization, administration and operation of the Bolton Civil Preparedness Organization, subject to the direction and control of the State Director of Civil Preparedness.  The Director shall also have all of the powers enumerated in Section 28-7(d) of the Connecticut General Statutes.  Such local Director shall serve at the will of the First Selectman and may also be removed by the State Director in accordance with Section 28-7 (b) of the Connecticut General Statutes.


Section 5.         The Town of Bolton may, with the approval of the State Director of Civil Preparedness, establish a joint organization for civil preparedness with any other town or towns or cities.  The Town of Bolton shall have the power to make appropriations for the payment of salaries and expenses its local organization or any other civil preparedness agency or instrumentality.