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Permits, Fees for:

Adopted:         November 24, 1969

Amended:       May 9, 1982; January 6, 1991 and May 8, 1992




1.1       No permit to begin work for new construction, alteration, removal or other building operation shall be issued until the fees prescribed herein shall have been paid to the building inspector, building official or other authorized town agency, nor shall an amendment to a permit necessitating an additional fee because of an increase in the estimated costs of the work involved be approved until the additional fee shall have been paid.


1.2       Special Fees:   The payment of the fee for the construction, alteration or removal and for all work done in connection with or concurrently with the work contemplated by a building permit shall not relieve the applicant or holder of the permit from the payment of other fees which may be prescribed by law or ordinance for water taps, sewer connections, electrical permits, plumbing permits, sign and display structure permits or other fees for inspections, certificates of use and occupancy or other privileges or requirements.


1.3       New Construction and Alterations:    The fees for a building permit shall be based upon the estimated costs of the structure or building of all groups and types of construction as classified and defined in Article 2 of the Building Code of the State of Connecticut.


1.4       Demolition Permit Fee:   No building or structure shall be demolished until a permit is obtained and the fee prescribed herein paid to the Building Official or other authorized town agent.  The fee for demolition work shall be a flat fee. 


1.5       The fee schedule for this section shall be as prescribed in the schedule of fees adopted for such by resolution of the Board of Selectmen.




2.1       No permit to begin work for the construction, alteration and repair and maintenance of all signs and outdoor display structures together with their appurtenant and auxiliary devices shall be issued until the fees prescribed herein shall have been paid to the building inspector, building official or other authorized town agency, nor shall an amendment to a permit necessitating an additional fee because of an increase in the estimated cost of the work involved be approved until the additional fee shall have been paid.


2.2       The fee for signs, billboards and other outdoor display structures for which permits are required under the Bolton Zoning Regulations or the Building Code of the State of Connecticut shall be a flat fee as determined by the Board of Selectmen resolution.


2.3       The fee schedule for this section shall be as prescribed in the schedule of fees adopted for such by resolution of the Board of Selectmen.




3.1       No electrical permit as required by the Building Code of the State of Connecticut shall be issued until the fees prescribed in this ordinance have been paid to the building inspector, building official or authorized town agency, nor shall an amendment to a permit necessitating an additional fee because of an increase in the estimated cost of the work involved be approved until the additional fee shall have been paid.


3.2       The fee for an electrical permit shall be based upon the estimated cost of the installation of electrical conductors, devices and fixtures, together with their appurtenant auxiliary devices.


3.3       The fee schedule for this section shall be as prescribed in the schedule of fees adopted for such by resolution of the Board of Selectmen.




4.1       No plumbing or drainage permit as required by the Building Code of the State of Connecticut shall be issued until the fees prescribed in this ordinance have been paid to the building inspector, building official or authorized town agency, nor shall an amendment to the permit necessitating an additional fee because of an increase in the estimated cost of the work involved be approved until the additional fee shall have been paid.


4.2       The fee for a plumbing or drainage permit shall be based upon the estimated costs of the design and installation of the plumbing system together with their appurtenant and auxiliary devices.


4.3       The fee schedule for this section shall be as prescribed in the schedule of fees adopted for such by resolution of the Board of Selectmen.




5.1       No Certificate of Occupancy as required by the Building Code in the State of Connecticut, or a Certificate of Approval as required by the Zoning Regulations of the Town of Bolton shall be issued until the fees prescribed herein shall have been paid to the building inspector, building official or other authorized town agency.


5.2       The fee schedule for this section shall be as prescribed in the schedule of fees adopted for such by resolution of the Board of Selectmen.




6.1       No permits as required by the Zoning Commission shall be issued until the fees prescribed in this ordinance have been paid to the Zoning Commission, Building Official/Enforcement Officer, Town Engineer or authorized Town agency, nor shall an amendment to a permit necessitating an additional fee be approved until the additional fee shall have been paid.


6.2       The fees established for zoning permits and approvals shall be based upon the costs of any measures undertaken by the Town or any employee, agent or contractor hired by the Town required to address the construction, erection or alteration.


6.3       The fee schedule for this section shall be as prescribed in the schedule of fees adopted for such by resolution of the Board of Selectmen.




7.1       No application for a subdivision or a resubdivision shall be received or acted upon by the Planning Commission until the fees prescribed in this ordinance have been paid to the Planning Commission or its designate.


7.2       In accordance with Section 8-1c. of the General Statutes the fees for subdivision and resubdivisions shall be comprised of a base fee which will cover the first two lots plus an incremental fee for each lot beyond such first two lots.  In addition, the applicant shall be responsible for the actual costs incurred by the Town beyond normal operating costs and with regard to any efforts undertaken by the Town, its employees, agents, or contractors as required to address and evaluate issues raised concerning the proposed subdivision or resubdivision.  The actual costs incurred by the Town as aforesaid, will be provided to the applicant prior to the Planning Commission’s action on the application.


Normal operating costs are those costs which the Town of Bolton incurs in the ordinary course of business represented by salaries and clerical wages but do not include, for example, fees or outside services employed or external testing measures taken.


7.3       The fee schedule for this section shall be as prescribed in the schedule of fees adopted for such by resolution of the Board of Selectmen.




8.1       Construction of any proposed road shall not begin until the fees prescribed in this ordinance have been paid to the Board of Selectmen or its designate.


8.2       The fees for constructing a new road shall be based upon the linear footage of such proposed road, plus any actual costs incurred by the Town over and above its normal operating costs with regard to any efforts undertaken by the Town, its employees, agents or contractors as required to address issues concerning such road or its acceptance by the Town.


Normal operating costs are those costs which the Town of Bolton incurs in the ordinary course of business represented by salaries and clerical wages but do not include, for example, fees for outside services employed or external testing measures taken.


8.3       The fee schedule for this section shall be as prescribed in the schedule of fees adopted for such by resolution of the Board of Selectmen.




9.1       Any person, firm or corporation who violates any provision of this ordinance shall be fined not more than $200.00 for each violation thereof and the Circuit Court shall have jurisdiction of all such offenses.




10.1     If any article, section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause or provision of these regulations shall be adjudged invalid, such adjudication shall apply only to the article, section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause or provision so adjudged invalid, and the rest and remainder of these regulations as they shall now or hereafter exist, shall be deemed to be valid and effective.




11.1     All ordinances and regulations and parts of ordinances and regulations in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed and this ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its adoption.




Adopted:                     April 20, 1982 by the Board of Selectmen

Published:                   April 24, 1982

Effective Date:           May 9, 1982


Sections 1.4, 2.3, 3.3, 4.3, and 5.2 of this ordinance concerning fee schedules are hereby repealed and following is substituted in lieu thereof:


Sections:  1.4, 2.3, 3.3, 4.3, and 5.2 shall read:

The fee schedule for this section shall be as prescribed in the schedule of fees adopted for such by resolution of the Board of Selectmen.


Adopted:                     December 17, 1990 at a SPECIAL TOWN MEETING

Published:                   December 2, 1990 (Manchester Herald)

Effective Date:           January 6, 1991


NEW:             Article IX.       Zoning Permits and Approvals

                        Sections 9.1, 9.2, and 9.3 added


Adopted:                     April 13, 1992 by the BOARD OF SELECTMEN

Published:                   April 23, 1992 (Hartford Courant, Manchester Extra section)

Effective Date:           May 8, 1992




NEW: Section 1.4 in Article I – Demolition Permit Fee


Change present Section 1.4 to read Section 1.5


Amend Section 2.2 in Article II


Change present Article IX to read Article VI and Section 9.1, 9.2 and 9.3 to read Sections 6.1, 6.2 and 6.3


NEW: Article VII PLANNING FEES (Subdivision Fees) and Sections 7.1, 7.2 and 7.3


NEW: Article VIII – NEW ROAD CONSTRUCTION FEES and Section 8.1, 8.2 and 8.3


Change present Article VI to read Article IX

Change present Article VII to read Article X

Change present Article VIII to read Article XI