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Calendar of Events

    [shortDescription] => <p>The library and Growing Bolton, CT-Zone 6a Facebook group are partnering again. This time the event will be a houseplant, bulb, and seed swap. Not looking to swap? You can still stop by and chat with your fellow neighbors about what they have "growing" on. <strong><em>Registration is not required.</em></strong></p>
    [id] => 1631
    [isFeatured] => 0
    [title] => Indoor Plant, Bulb, and Seed Swap
    [description] => 
    [createdOnDate] => February 28, 2023
    [createdOnTime] => 7:52 pm
    [createdOnTimestamp] => 1677631961
    [createdByUser] => Array
            [firstName] => Bentley
            [lastName] => Library
            [fullName] => Bentley Library
            [profileImage] => 
            [email] => ETHORNTON@boltonct.gov
            [website] => https://www.boltonct.gov

    [createdByType] => admin
    [updatedOnDate] => February 28, 2023
    [updatedOnTime] => 7:52 pm
    [updatedOnTimestamp] => 1677631961
    [updatedByUser] => Array
            [firstName] => Bentley
            [lastName] => Library
            [fullName] => Bentley Library
            [profileImage] => 
            [email] => ETHORNTON@boltonct.gov
            [website] => https://www.boltonct.gov

    [updatedByType] => admin
    [publishedOnDate] => February 28, 2023
    [publishedOnTime] => 7:38 pm
    [publishedOnTimestamp] => 1677631080
    [expiresOnDate] => Not Available
    [expiresOnTime] => Not Available
    [expiresOnTimestamp] => 0
    [categories] => Array
            [5] => Array
                    [id] => 5
                    [categoryName] => Library Events
                    [name] => Library Events
                    [url_key] => library
                    [parentId] => 0
                    [description] => 
                    [image] => 
                    [createdOnDate] => August 3, 2021
                    [createdOnTime] => 10:13 am
                    [createdOnTimestamp] => 1628000025
                    [createdByUser] => Array
                            [firstName] => Default
                            [lastName] => User
                            [fullName] => Default User
                            [profileImage] => 
                            [email] => support@branchcms.com
                            [website] => https://www.boltonct.gov

                    [createdByType] => admin
                    [updatedOnDate] => September 17, 2021
                    [updatedOnTime] => 10:23 am
                    [updatedOnTimestamp] => 1631888591
                    [updatedByUser] => Not Available
                    [updatedByType] => admin
                    [url] => /calendar/category/library


    [categoryCount] => 1
    [repeats] => 
    [time] => Array
            [end] => 1:00 pm
            [endTimestamp] => 1679158800
            [start] => 10:00 am
            [startTimestamp] => 1679148000
            [type] => timed
            [isAllDay] => 
            [isStartEnd] => 1
            [isStartOnly] => 
            [isTba] => 
            [isNoTime] => 

    [dateIsAfterStartDate] => 
    [dateTimestamp] => 1679148000
    [date] => March 18, 2023
    [startDateTimestamp] => 1679148000
    [startDate] => March 18, 2023
    [endDateTimestamp] => 1679158800
    [endDate] => March 18, 2023
    [spansMultipleDays] => 
    [isMultiDay] => 
    [url] => /calendar/event/1631
    [icalUrl] => /calendar/feed/event-ical/id/1631
    [hasRegistration] => 
    [isPastEvent] => 1
    [isToday] => 
March 18, 2023
10:00 am to 1:00 pm

The library and Growing Bolton, CT-Zone 6a Facebook group are partnering again. This time the event will be a houseplant, bulb, and seed swap. Not looking to swap? You can still stop by and chat with your fellow neighbors about what they have "growing" on. Registration is not required.

Add your event

If you have an event happening in the Revere community then you can share it on our calendar.
Note that all events are reviewed before posting on the website.
Add Your Event