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Calendar of Events

    [image] => Array
            [alt] => 
            [fileExtension] => jpg
            [fileName] => Bolton-05-15-2023.jpg
            [height] => 835
            [src] => https://files.aptuitivcdn.com/EzoynNLyL2-1704/images/Bolton-05-15-2023.jpg
            [tag] => <img src="https://files.aptuitivcdn.com/EzoynNLyL2-1704/images/Bolton-05-15-2023.jpg" height="835"  width="989" alt="">
            [type] => image
            [typeName] => JPG Image
            [width] => 989
            [originalSrc] => https://files.aptuitivcdn.com/EzoynNLyL2-1704/images/Bolton-05-15-2023.jpg

    [shortDescription] => <p>Visit with the medical staff from Eastern Highlands Health District to ask your Covid-19 questions, pick up free Covid-19 test kits (2/person) or receive a vaccination or booster (if eligible). People 65 and over who are at least 4 months from their last vaccine or people who are immunocompromised and at least 2 months from their last vaccine are eligible for the second bivalent booster. Registration is not required.&nbsp;</p>
    [location] => Bentley Memorial Library | 206 Bolton Center Road | Bolton, CT
    [id] => 1665
    [isFeatured] => 0
    [title] => Covid-19 Awareness and Prevention Clinic
    [description] => <p><span class="xt0psk2">Bentley Memorial Library</span> is hosting its 17th Covid-19 clinic. Visit with the medical staff from Eastern Highlands Health District to ask your Covid-19 questions. People 65 and over who are at least 4 months from the last vaccine or people who are immunocompromised and at least 2 months from last vaccine are eligible for the second bivalent booster. Registration is not required.&nbsp;</p>
    [createdOnDate] => April 27, 2023
    [createdOnTime] => 2:59 pm
    [createdOnTimestamp] => 1682621978
    [createdByUser] => Array
            [firstName] => Bentley
            [lastName] => Library
            [fullName] => Bentley Library
            [profileImage] => 
            [email] => ETHORNTON@boltonct.gov
            [website] => https://www.boltonct.gov

    [createdByType] => admin
    [updatedOnDate] => April 27, 2023
    [updatedOnTime] => 2:59 pm
    [updatedOnTimestamp] => 1682621978
    [updatedByUser] => Array
            [firstName] => Bentley
            [lastName] => Library
            [fullName] => Bentley Library
            [profileImage] => 
            [email] => ETHORNTON@boltonct.gov
            [website] => https://www.boltonct.gov

    [updatedByType] => admin
    [publishedOnDate] => April 27, 2023
    [publishedOnTime] => 2:53 pm
    [publishedOnTimestamp] => 1682621580
    [expiresOnDate] => Not Available
    [expiresOnTime] => Not Available
    [expiresOnTimestamp] => 0
    [categories] => Array
            [5] => Array
                    [id] => 5
                    [categoryName] => Library Events
                    [name] => Library Events
                    [url_key] => library
                    [parentId] => 0
                    [description] => 
                    [image] => 
                    [createdOnDate] => August 3, 2021
                    [createdOnTime] => 10:13 am
                    [createdOnTimestamp] => 1628000025
                    [createdByUser] => Array
                            [firstName] => Default
                            [lastName] => User
                            [fullName] => Default User
                            [profileImage] => 
                            [email] => support@branchcms.com
                            [website] => https://www.boltonct.gov

                    [createdByType] => admin
                    [updatedOnDate] => September 17, 2021
                    [updatedOnTime] => 10:23 am
                    [updatedOnTimestamp] => 1631888591
                    [updatedByUser] => Not Available
                    [updatedByType] => admin
                    [url] => /calendar/category/library


    [categoryCount] => 1
    [repeats] => 
    [time] => Array
            [end] => 6:30 pm
            [endTimestamp] => 1684189800
            [start] => 4:00 pm
            [startTimestamp] => 1684180800
            [type] => timed
            [isAllDay] => 
            [isStartEnd] => 1
            [isStartOnly] => 
            [isTba] => 
            [isNoTime] => 

    [dateIsAfterStartDate] => 
    [dateTimestamp] => 1684180800
    [date] => May 15, 2023
    [startDateTimestamp] => 1684180800
    [startDate] => May 15, 2023
    [endDateTimestamp] => 1684189800
    [endDate] => May 15, 2023
    [spansMultipleDays] => 
    [isMultiDay] => 
    [url] => /calendar/event/1665
    [icalUrl] => /calendar/feed/event-ical/id/1665
    [hasRegistration] => 
    [isPastEvent] => 1
    [isToday] => 
May 15, 2023
4:00 pm to 6:30 pm
Bentley Memorial Library | 206 Bolton Center Road | Bolton, CT

Visit with the medical staff from Eastern Highlands Health District to ask your Covid-19 questions, pick up free Covid-19 test kits (2/person) or receive a vaccination or booster (if eligible). People 65 and over who are at least 4 months from their last vaccine or people who are immunocompromised and at least 2 months from their last vaccine are eligible for the second bivalent booster. Registration is not required. 

Add your event

If you have an event happening in the Revere community then you can share it on our calendar.
Note that all events are reviewed before posting on the website.
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